Dr Emma Carroll


School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Contact details

Email: e.carroll@auckland.ac.nz

Research interests

I am a molecular ecologist that uses genomics, chemical markers and statistical models to understand natural populations, particularly marine mammals. The role of behaviour in shaping how connected different groups or populations has been a particular theme in my research; this has included migratory fidelity and migratory culture in southern right whales.

Selected publications

  • Leroy, G., Carroll, E.L., Bruford, M.W., DeWoody, J.A., Strand, A., Waits, L., Wang, J. (2018) Next-generation metrics for monitoring genetic erosion within populations of conservation concern. Evolutionary Applications, 11(7), 1066-1083. 10.1111/eva.12564
  • Carroll, E. L., Bruford, M.W., DeWoody, J.A., Leroy, G., Strand, A., Waits, L., Wang, J. (2018) Genetic and genomic monitoring with minimally invasive sampling methods. Evolutionary applications, 11(7), 1094-1119. 10.1111/eva.12600
  • Carroll, E.L., Alderman, R., Bannister, J. L., Bérubé M, Best, P. B., Boren, L., ... Harcourt, R. (2018) Incorporating non-equilibrium dynamics into demographic history inferences of a migratory marine species. Heredity 10.1038/s41437-018-0077-y
  • Aguilar de Soto, N., Martín V, Silva, M., Edler, R., Reyes, C., Carrillo, M., … Carroll, E. L.. (2017) True’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus) in Macaronesia. PeerJ, 5, e3059-e3059. 10.7717/peerj.3059
  • Torres, L.G., Rayment, W., Olavarría C, Thompson, D.R., Graham, B., Baker, C.S., … Carroll, E.L. (2017) Demography and ecology of southern right whales Eubalaena australis wintering at sub-Antarctic Campbell Island, New Zealand. Polar Biology, 40(1), 95-106. 10.1007/s00300-016-1926-x
  • Cammen, K. M., Andrews, K. R., Carroll, E. L., Foote, A. D., Humble, E., Khudyakov, J. I., … Van Cise, A. M. (2016) Genomic Methods Take the Plunge: Recent Advances in High-Throughput Sequencing of Marine Mammals. Journal of Heredity, 107(6), 481-495. 10.1093/jhered/esw044
  • Jackson, J.A., Carroll, E.L., Smith, T.D., Zerbini, A.N., Patenaude, N.J., Baker, C.S. (2016) An integrated approach to historical population assessment of the great whales: case of the New Zealand southern right whale. Royal Society open science, 3(3) 10.1098/rsos.150669
  • Carroll, E.L., Fewster, R.M., Childerhouse, S.J., Patenaude, N.J., Boren, L., Baker, C.S. (2016). First direct evidence for natal wintering ground fidelity and estimate of juvenile survival in the New Zealand southern right whale Eubalaena australis. PLoS ONE, 11(1), e0146590-e0146590. 10.1371/journal.pone.0146590
This page was last updated on 17 February 2022