Southern right whale workshop 2009

19th & 20th March 2009, Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania

The Australian Marine Mammal Centre hosted a two day Southern right whales workshop on the 19th & 20th of March 2009 at the headquarters of the Australian Antarctic Division near Hobart, Tasmania. The workshop reviewed and prioritised research on the Southern right whales within Australian waters.

The need for this workshop was identified by many sources including the AMMC Scientific Committee and by grants submitted to the AMMC Grants Scheme. The workshop followed a similar agenda to the successful Humpback whale workshop organised by the AMMC in Sydney in April 2008. The principal agenda items were research priorities, research methods, population status and trends, data collection, data management and collaborative initiatives.

Final report of the southern right whale workshop [PDF]

Southern Right whale research metadata summary [Excel] (posted 24/04/2009).

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