International Whaling Commission papers and reports
Southern Ocean Research Partnership Annual reports
The Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP) is a collaborative partnership of International Whaling Commission (IWC) member countries that delivers priority Southern Ocean whale research to the IWC. SORP is directed by the Scientific Committee and delivers on the agreed objectives through the development and application of the latest in non-lethal research techniques. The research is managed through approved, large scale, multi-national projects which report annually to the Scientific Committee on progress and future plans:
- SORP Annual Report 2013/14 [PDF]
- SORP Annual Report 2012/13 [PDF]
- SORP Annual Report 2011/12 [PDF]
- SORP Annual Report 2010/11 [PDF]
- SORP Annual Report 2009/10 [PDF]
International Whaling Commission (IWC) meetings
66th Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC65b)
Bled, Slovenia, 12-24 May 2014. Twenty-two papers relating to SORP were presented.
Polanowski, A.M., Robbins, J., Chandler, D. and Jarman, S.N. (2014) Epigenetic estimation of age in humpback whales. [PDF] Molecular Ecology Resources. 2014: 12pp. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12247. SC/65b/Forinfo14.
Bravington MV, Jarman S, Skaug H (2014) Antarctic Blue Whale surveys: augmenting via genetics for close-kin and ordinal age. [PDF] SC/65b/SH17.
Double MC, Andrews-Goff V, Jenner CS, Jenner M-N, Laverick SM, Branch TA, Gales NJ (2014) Migratory Movements of Pygmy Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) between Australia and Indonesia as Revealed by Satellite Telemetry. [PDF] PLoS One 10.1371/journal.pone.0093578. SC/65b/Forinfo15.
Feindt-Herr H, Kelly N, Kock K-H, Viquerat S, Scheidat M, Williams R, Lehnert LS, Siebert U (2014) German helicopter surveys provide insights in temporal and spatial variability of minke whale densities in ice. [PDF] SC/65b/IA16.
Findlay K, Thornton M, Shabangu F, Venter K, Thompson I, Fabriciussen O (2014) Report of the 2013/14 South African Antarctic blue whale survey, 000° - 020°E. [PDF] SC/65b/SH01.
Friedlaender AS, Tyson RB, Stimpert AK, Read AG, Nowacek DP (2013) Extreme diel variation in the feeding behavior of humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula in autumn. [PDF] Marine Ecology Progress Series 494: 281-289. SC/65b/Forinfo12.
Friedlaender AS et al. In press. First records of feeding behavior and diving kinematics of Antarctic minke whales, the smallest baleen whale. Journal of Experimental Biology. SC/65b/Forinfo52.
Garrigue C, Peltier H, Chambellant M, Dodemont R, Perard V, Ridoux V, Charrassin J-B (2014) An update of the CETA project: cetacean observation program in East Antarctica 2010-2014. [PDF] SC/65b/SH05.
Kelly N, Peel D, Bravington MV (2014) Distribution and abundance of Antarctic minke whales in sea ice regions of East Antarctica: a summary of results. [PDF] SC/65b/IA15.
Kelly N, Bravington MV, Peel D (2014) Precision of a Future Antarctic blue whales Line Transect Survey. [PDF] SC/65b/SH13.
Miller BS, Collins K, Barlow J, Calderan S, Leaper R, McDonald M, Ensor P, et al. (2014) Blue whale vocalizations recorded around New Zealand: 1964–2013. [PDF] Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135: 1616–1623. SC/65b/Forinfo26.
Miller BS, Leaper R, Calderan S, Gedamke J (In review) Red shift, blue shift: Doppler shifts and seasonal variation in the tonality of Antarctic blue whale song. [PDF] PLoS One. SC/65b/Forinfo07.
Miller BS, Gedamke J, Calderan S, Collins K, Johnson C, Miller E, Samaran F, Smith J, Double MC (2014) Accuracy and precision of DIFAR sonobuoys for acoustic localisation: Calibration and comparative measurements from three SORP voyages. [PDF] SC/65b/SH08.
Miller B, Wotherspoon S, Calderan S, Leaper R, Collins K, Double MC (2014) Estimating drift of DIFAR sonobuoys when localising blue whales. [PDF] SC/65b/SH09.
Miller BS, Gillespie D, Weatherup G, Calderan S, Double MC (2014) Software for the localisation of baleen whale calls using DIFAR sonobuoys: PAMGuard DIFAR. [PDF] SC/65b/SH06.
Peel D, Bravington MV, Kelly N, Double MC (2014) Exploration of a future mark-recapture study of Antarctic Blue Whales. [PDF] SC/65b/SH14.
Peel D, Miller BS, Kelly N, Dawson S, Slooten E, Double MC (2014) A simulation study of acoustic-assisted tracking of whales for mark-recapture surveys. [PDF] PLoS One: in press. SC/65b/Forinfo30.
Reyes MV, Trickey JS, Baumann-Pickering S, Melcon M, Hildebrand JA, Iñiguez MA (2014) Sightings and acoustic recordings of cetaceans during the SORP voyage 2014. [PDF] SC/65b/SH16Rev.
Risch D, Gales N, Gedamke J, Kindermann L, Nowacek D, Read A, Siebert U, Van Opzeeland I, Van Parjis S, Friedlaender AS (2014) Mysterious ‘bioduck’ signal attributed to the Antarctic minke whale. [PDF] Biology Letters 10: 20140175. SC/65b/Forinfo13.
Steel, D., Gibbs, N., Carroll, E., Childerhouse, S., Olavarria, C., Baker, C.S., Constantine, R. (2014). Genetic identity of humpback whales migrating past New Zealand. [PDF] SC/65b/SH07.
Van Opzeeland IC, Samaran F, Stafford KM, Findlay K, Gedamke J, Harris D, Miller BS (2014) The Southern Ocean Hydrophone 1 Network (SOHN): Circum-Antarctic passive acoustic monitoring of Antarctic blue and fin whales. [PDF] SC/65b/Forinfo10
65th Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC65a)
Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 3-15 June 2013. Eleven papers related to SORP were presented, including the SORP Annual Report above. All papers can be downloaded as PDF files.
Andrews-Goff V, Olson PA, Gales NJ and Double MC (2013) Satellite telemetry derived summer movements of Antarctic blue whales. [PDF] SC/65a/SH03.
Bell (2013) Report of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership Conference, 31 May - 2 June, 2013. [PDF] SC/65a/SH25.
Best PB, Findlay K, Thornton M and Stafford K (2013) SORP research report: the South African Blue Whale Project. [PDF] SC/65a/O10.
Double (2013) Cruise report of the 2013 Antarctic blue whale voyage of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership. [PDF] SC/65a/SH21.
Gales N, Bowers M, Durban JW, Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP, Pitman RL, Read AJ and Tyson RB (2013) Advances in non-lethal research on Antarctic minke whales: biotelemetry, photo-identification and biopsy sampling. [PDF] SC/65a/IA12.
Miller BS, Barlow J, Calderan S, Collins K, Leaper R, Kelly N, Peel D, Olson P, Ensor and Double MC (2013a) Long-range acoustic tracking of Antarctic blue whales. [PDF] SC/65a/SH18.
Miller BS, Barlow J, Calderan S, Leaper R, McDonald M, Ensor P, Olson P, Olavarria C and Double MC (2013b) Blue whale songs recorded around South Island, New Zealand. [PDF] SC/65a/SH19.
Olson PA, Ensor P, Schmitt N, Olavarria C and Double MC (2013a) Photo-identification of Antarctic blue whales during the SORP Antarctic Blue Whale Voyage 2013. [PDF] SC/65a/SH11.
Olson PA, Ensor P, Olavarria C, Schmitt N, Childerhouse S, Constantine R, Miller BS and Double MC (2013b) New Zealand blue whales: initial photo-identification of a little-known population. [PDF] SC/65a/SH12.
Robbins J, Zerbini AN, Gales N, Gulland FMD, Double M, Clapham PJ, Andrews-Goff V, Kennedy AS, Landry S, Mattila DK and Tackaberry J (2013) Satellite tag effectiveness and impacts on large whales: preliminary results of a case study with Gulf of Maine humpback whales. [PDF] SC/65a/SH05.
64th Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC64)
Panama City, Panama, 11 – 23 June 2012. Ten papers related to SORP were presented, including the SORP Annual Report above. All papers can be downloaded as PDF files.
Baker CS, Galletti B, Childerhouse S, Brownell RL Jr, Friedlaender A, Gales N, Hall A, Jackson J, Leaper R, Perryman W, Steel D, Valenzuela L and Zerbini A (2012) Report of the Living Whales Symposium: Advances in non-lethal research techniques for whales in the Southern Hemisphere. [PDF] SC/64/O14.
Kelly N, Murase H, Kitakado T, Kock K-H, Williams R, Feindtherr and Walløe L (2012) Appraisal of methods and data to estimate abundance of Antarctic minke whales within sea ice covered areas of the Southern Ocean. [PDF] SC/64/IA10.
Kelly N, Miller B, Peel D, Double MC, de la Mare W and Gales N (2012) Strategies to obtain a new circumpolar abundance estimate for Antarctic Blue Whales: survey design and sampling protocols. [PDF] SC/64/SH10.
Miller BS, Kelly N, Double MC, Childerhouse SJ, Laverick S and Gales N (2012) Development of acoustic methods: cruise report on SORP 2012 Antarctic Blue Whale voyages. [PDF] SC/64/SH11.
Miller BS (2012) Real-time tracking of Blue Whales using DIFAR sonobuoys. [PDF] SC/64/SH12.
Wadley V, Lindsay M, Kelly N, Miller N, Gales N, de la Mare W and Double MC (2012) Abundance estimation of Antarctic Blue Whales: preliminary voyage plan for SORP in March 2013. [PDF] SC/64/SH13.
de la Mare WK (2012) Estimating relative abundance from historic Antarctic whaling records. [PDF] SC/64/SH14.
Schmitt NT, Double MC, Baker CS, Steel D, Jenner KCS, Jenner M-NM, Paton D, Gales R, Jarman SN, Gales N, Marthick JR, Polanowski AM and Peakall R (2012) Low levels of genetic differentiation characterize Australian humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) populations. [PDF] SC/64/SH15.
Peel D and Kelly N (2012) Exploratory analyses of potential encounter rates for an acoustic tracking survey method for blue whales. [PDF] SC/64/SH26.
63rd Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC63)
Tromsø, Norway, 30 May – 11 June 2011. Twelve papers related to SORP were presented, including the SORP Annual Report above. All papers can be downloaded as PDF files.
Bravington MV (2011) A hybrid spatial-and-hazard-prob model for SOWER minke data. [PDF] SC/63/IA15.
Childerhouse S (2011) Southern Ocean Research Partnership Revised project plans. [PDF] SC/63/O13.
Kaufman G et al. (2011) Photographic Evidence of Interchange between East Australia (BS E-1) and West Australia (BS - D) Breeding Populations. [PDF] SC/63/SH11.
Kelly N, Peel D, Bravington MV and Gales N (2011) Analysis of minke whale sighting data from aerial surveys over pack ice in East Antarctica. [PDF] SC/63/IA3.
Kelly D and Peel D (2011) Attempts to detect whales in East Antarctica using aerial photographs: a pilot study. [PDF] SC/63/IA4.
Kelly N, Double MC, Peel D, Bravington MV and Gales N (2011) Strategies to obtain a new abundance estimate for Antarctic blue whales: a feasibility study. [PDF] SC/63/SH3.
Peel D, Foster S and Bravington MV (2011) Standardisation of IDCR/SOWER Sightability Variable. [PDF] SC/63/IA6.
Steele D et al. (2011) Genotype matching of humpback whales from the 2010 Australia/New Zealand Antarctic Whale Expedition (Area V) to the South Pacific. [PDF] SC/63/SH10.
Constantine R et al. (2011) Comprehensive photo-identification matching of Antarctic Area V humpback whales. [PDF] SC/63/SH16.
de la Mare W (2011) Are reported trends in Antarctic minke whale body condition reliable? [PDF] SC/62/O16.
de la Mare W (2011) A note on some implications of inter-specific competition when estimating MSYR by monitoring the recovery of depleted populations. [PDF] SC/64/RMP25.
62nd Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC62)
Agadir, Morocco, 30 May – 11 June 2010. Four papers relating to SORP were presented, including the SORP Annual Report (found at the top of this page). All papers can be downloaded as PDF files.
Childerhouse S (2010) Report of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership Seattle Workshop 2009. [PDF] SC/62/O8.
Childerhouse S (2010) Project outlines for the Southern Ocean Research Partnership. [PDF] SC/62/O10.
Gales N, Double M, Robinson S, Jenner C, Jenner M, King E, Gedamke J, Childerhouse S, Paton D (2010) Antarctic Whale Expedition: preliminary science field report and summary. [PDF] SC/62/O12.
Gales N (2009) Satellite tracking of Australian humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda). [PDF] SC/62/SH21.
61st Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC61)
Madiera, Portugal, 31 May – 12 June 2009. Two papers relating to SORP were presented, including a SORP Annual Report. All papers can be downloaded as PDF files.
Childerhouse S (2009) Report of the Planning Workshop of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP). [PDF] SC/61/O16.
Childerhouse S (2009) Southern Ocean Research Partnership Workshop: Summary of Outcomes. [PDF] SC/61/O17.